Special offer for students

Great news! We are now offering special prices for Students/Teachers who want to use VIDEOS for their school projects/classroom lectures. These are about HALF of regular video prices (50% OFF) and are available for most videos. Simply use the "Buy Student/Teacher License Download" button on the video page if there is one (Note: if the button is not there, that video is not available under this license) => SHOP NOW!

Please note:

- Student/Teacher license is reserved for INDIVIDUAL current students and teachers ONLY. This license can not be shared or transferred; one license is required for each person.

- You can ONLY use the videos for your own lectures/school presentations. NO online usage or publication is allowed. All restrictions applied to other licenses also apply. Please see details on our licensing page.

- You are allowed to modify the videos to suit your needs, but the small Alila Medical Media logo/credit line at the bottom right corner of the videos should NOT be removed in any cases.

- Videos purchased under this license are not eligible for free editing services.