Swallowing video unlabeled version.

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Swallowing video unlabeled version. 2013-09-07T02:47:51ZSimulation of steps of the swallowing process, the oral phase, pharyngeal phase and beginning of esophageal phase, 2 cycles in real time and 1 cycle in slow motion stopped at different points for adding labels. There is a labeled (English) version of t...PT31Shttps://d38zjy0x98992m.cloudfront.net/e39da408-1767-11e3-9e1e-2b7295fe9ace/swallowing_unlabeled_xlarge.jpghttps://d38zjy0x98992m.cloudfront.net/e39da408-1767-11e3-9e1e-2b7295fe9ace/swallowing_unlabeled_mp4_hd_video.mp4